Welcome to RISK
The Danish Centre of Risk and Safety Management (RISK) offers cross-disciplinary research within risk and safety—bridging health, social, business and engineering sciences. We want to demonstrate excellence in identifying and developing methods for identifying risk and hazards in every aspect of the modern technological driven society.
Our background
The Danish Centre for Risk and Safety Management (RISK) opened on 22 August 2011 as a collaboration between Aalborg University and University of Southern Denmark.
It is organised as part of the Department of Civil Engineering (now The Department of the Built Environment) under the Faculty of Engineering and Science at Aalborg University and is physically located at Aalborg University Esbjerg.
The project was funded by Claus Sørensens Fond and the two universities.
Our research
Cross-disciplinary research within risk and safety - bridging Health, Social, Business and Engineering Sciences. The aim is to demonstrate excellence in identifying and developing methods for identifying risk and hazards in every aspect of the modern technological driven society.
It is well recognized and accepted that the grand challenges of the world MUST be handled using technological solutions. Assessing the risk associated with these technological solutions requires management and decision making.
Furthermore, the impact of an Emergency or a Disaster becomes increasingly important and the time for recovery is becoming an increasingly vital aspect of risk management, i.e. earth quakes, flooding, climate changes, hacking, vira, assaults, communication breakdowns – i.e. reduce loss related to an incident.