
AAU Copenhagen

RESPOND project

Symposium: From pandemic to polycrisis – learning from Covid-19

What changes will be permanent? And what can we learn from the pandemic? Participation in the symposium will be free of charge - it is possible to participate both on location and online.

AAU Copenhagen

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

  • 01.11.2023 09:00 - 18:00

  • English

  • Hybrid

AAU Copenhagen

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

01.11.2023 09:00 - 18:0001.11.2023 09:00 - 18:00



RESPOND project

Symposium: From pandemic to polycrisis – learning from Covid-19

What changes will be permanent? And what can we learn from the pandemic? Participation in the symposium will be free of charge - it is possible to participate both on location and online.

AAU Copenhagen

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

  • 01.11.2023 09:00 - 18:00

  • English

  • Hybrid

AAU Copenhagen

A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark

01.11.2023 09:00 - 18:0001.11.2023 09:00 - 18:00



Aim and scope

With the outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic followed fear of infection, disease and lockdowns, which hardly left any area of ​​society and everyday life unaffected. The pandemic forced citizens, companies, local communities, organizations and authorities to adopt new practices. The time of restrictions and shutdowns seemed to be an exception to the normal, and with the lifting of lockdowns and restrictions, many fields of society and life appear to have resumed their pre-pandemic practices. Still, the state of emergency during the pandemic gave rise to new insights, and Covid-19 have had a lasting impact on several social areas, e.g. more people working from home, new recreational practices, an intensification of digitally mediated sociality among young people, etc.

With this symposium, researchers will share their insights on the implications of the Covid-19 pandemic for the built environment. The overarching questions are: What changes will be permanent? And what can we learn from the pandemic?

Venue and registration

The symposium will take place at the Copenhagen Campus of Aalborg University (address: A. C. Meyers Vænge 15, 2450 Copenhagen SV, Denmark).

Researchers as well as others with an interest in how the pandemic has affected the built environment are welcome to participate in the symposium, which will have a hybrid format with both online and physical participation.

Participation is free of charge, but seats available for physical participation are limited. Therefore, the registration for physical attendance at the Copenhagen Campus will follow the “first come, first served” principle.

Register your participation by sending an email to thc@build.aau.dk with your full name, affiliation (organization) and a clear indication of whether you want to participate physically or online.

Deadline for registration is October 20, 2023.


8:30: Registration
9:00: Welcome
9:15: Talking while walking but not with the locals: Social support and domesticity in public space before and during Covid-19 in Berlin
Keynote by Talja Blokland, professor, Urban Sociology, Humboldt University Berlin
10:00: Short break
10:10: Parallel sessions:

  • Postpandemic trends in architecture and planning

Towards a Sufficient Dwelling
Nicholas Thomas Lee, Royal Danish Academy

A Healthy Home
Claus Bech-Danielsen & Lene Wiell Nordberg, Aalborg University

Searching pathways to pandemic-proof, resilient and healthy cities
Emilia Rönkkö, Helka-Liisa Hentilä, Eevi Juuti & Piia Markkanen, University of Oulu

Housing informality and COVID-19? Lessons from Hong Kong
Yaoxuan Huang, Zhen Wang, Cong Liang, Lingnan University

  • Regional and rural development and settlement

Is the Danish rurality becoming a human capital (HC) magnet?
Nino Javakhishvili-Larsen & Hans Thor Andersen, Aalborg University

Spatial spillover effects of government policies on containing the spread of Covid-19?
Amjad Naveed & Cong Wang, Aarhus University & Macquarie University

Change of second home usage during Corona – a potential for revival of rural, peripheral regions?
Jesper Ole Jensen & Helle Nørgaard, Aalborg University

Home Office and Firm Location:  Employee Influence in the Decision of Firms
Torben Dall Schmidt, Wenzel Matiaske and Martina Maas, Helmut Schmidt University

12:10: Lunch
13:00: Parallel sessions

  • Practices, relations and meanings of home and neigbourhood

Being Stuck at Home: Reflections on Love, Care, and Vulnerability in the Pandemic
Henriette Steiner, University of Copenhagen

Just like home: Morality and home practices in post-covid hybrid working
Malene Rudolf Lindberg & Mette Mechlenborg, Aalborg University

The Sense of the Dense – Experiences of living in the dense city during the pandemic and after
Marie Stender & Lene Wiell Nordberg, Aalborg University

14:30: Coffee break

Living a lost cause: The impact of spatial immorality on residents in Danish student housing, during covid-19
Mette My Madsen, National Museum of Denmark

Songs of the Pandemic
Michael Alexander Ulfstjerne

  • Urban planning in post-pandemic times

How should urban planning anticipate future pandemics – views from the health communication perspective
D. Eklund, A. Lammi, A. Suorsa, H. Enwald, A.-M. Multas & T. Vasankari, Finnish Lung Health Association & University of Oulu

Cities and quality of life during COVID-19: Lessons learned for urban planning
Kostas Mouratidis, University of Copenhagen

Good Old Pandemic Days: Navigating through a multi-crisis housing “market”
Nezih Burak Bican & Gizem Deniz Güneri, Atilim University

14:30: Coffee break

Pandemic-resilient Spaces for Sustainable Cities - Urban Places for the Pandemic Resilience of Young People
Anke Kaschlik, Tobias Nägeli and Pia Hollenbach, Zurich University of Applied Sciences

Participatory approach to post-pandemic office design
Piia Markkanen and Aulikki Herkenoja, University of Oulu

16:00: Pandemic Diary: Representation and Everyday Resilience at the Crossroads of New York
Keynote by Elihu Rubin, Associate professor of urbanism, Yale School of Architecture
16:45: Closing the symposium
17:00: Drinks and snacks

More information

Contact for further information about the symposium:
Marie Stender: mste@build.aau.dk or Bence Boje-Kovacs: bjbk@build.aau.dk 

The symposium is part of the Danish initiative RESPOND.